Sell More Air Ambulance Flights even when you sleep
and manage patient information

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Air ambulance booking engine management sales software & EMR

Air ambulance booking engine
management sales software & EMR

The infrastructure you need to sell and manage air ambulance flights

Does your air ambulance company

Having difficulty increasing your sales volume?

Keep the air ambulances idle too often?

Need a fresh approach to boost your sales and management?

Unlock new sources of demand

By allowing users seamlessly search and get an estimate for air ambulance services directly from your website

Boost booking rates from current visitors

With interactive content that 91% of consumers prefer, engage your website visitors instead of simply collecting their contact details.

Create lasting relationships with your customers 

By offering them a user-friendly web and mobile platform to schedule services and plan their medical transportation.

Enhance your sales team efficiency

With comprehensive lead data and immediate notifications of new leads or service requests, make your service team more productive.

Air ambulance booking engine & price estimator

  • People visit your website looking to book medical transportation
  • They enter their contact details
  • You contact them the next day 
  • In that time, they might have already reached out to your competitors and made similar inquiries -> potential client lost

By the time your team responds, they may have already arranged their air ambulance service elsewhere.

What if

Your website visitors could search, get a cost estimate, and reserve or book or directly?

If the visitors decide to leave after they search, you will:

  • already possess their contact information
  • the system will automatically re-engage with them through
    • email
    • SMS
    • social media ads

Your team will have their details in a modern CRM, and they will be notified to contact these potential clients promptly.

After someone books, they will receive automated reminders and messages with essential details preparing them for the medical flight.

Air Ambulance management software – AirMedBooster 

Your solution for seamless air ambulance booking automation.

Simplify your medical transportation business by seamlessly expediting your booking process. 

Automate client requests, follow-up communications, and data management to unlock new service opportunities. 

Enhance the efficiency of your operations team, confirm bookings quicker, and rise above your competitors.

Air Ambulance CRM

Elevate your air ambulance service by automating and centralizing your client relationship management.

Effortlessly track patient inquiries, manage correspondences, and foster strong relationships. 

Stay organized, fortify patient trust, and effortlessly unlock new opportunities for service enhancement. 

With AirMedBooster, take your medical transportation service to novel heights with healthcare marketing automation.

Air Ambulance EMR (electronic medical records)

AirMedBooster – EMR, a transformative tool for air ambulance operations, transforming data management efforts by digitizing patient records.

Specifically tailored for air ambulance services, ensuring crucial patient details are easily accessible, secure, and shareable.

Gives air ambulance providers a comprehensive view of patient medical history, current health status, and prior air ambulance utilization, aiding in informed decision-making.

Efficient organization of patient data, leading to improved response and treatment times.

Boosts patient trust, elevates service standards in air ambulance operations.

Streamlines air ambulance operations through efficient data management.

Never worry about managing bookings 

Keep your air ambulances in operation more frequently

Manage more missions with fewer resources

Book a call now

You are 30 minutes away from 

✅ Having a dynamic website with a streamlined air ambulance search and booking engine

✅ Increasing the number of service bookings efficiently

✅ Generating more revenue without investing additional time

✅ Having a system that manages bookings round the clock 

Book a discovery call now

 During the call, we will review your website and marketing strategy, providing clear recommendations for enhancement.

Consider it a free operational consultation session. Absolutely no obligations attached.